Exams & Maintenance


Dentures are an investment that requires special care and attention to work at their best. Your dentures’ fit will have a significant impact on your oral tissues and health. An annual checkup with your dentist will verify that your denture is in good working order.

Update on Medical and Dental History

Maintaining your oral health and well-being requires keeping up with any important changes in your medical and dental history. A denture’s fit can be affected by a range of medical and dental issues.

Annual Oral Examination

Oral abnormalities, including malignant and pre-cancerous tumors, can be detected with annual checkups. Early discovery of these illnesses is usually advantageous in terms of treatment.

Tissue and Bone Evaluation

Improperly fitted dentures can lead to bone and tissue alterations, which must be addressed for the sake of your dental health. Our practice can examine and offer solutions that are tailored to your specific requirements.

Dentures' comfort, fit, and integrity

An ill-fitting denture can create bite issues, speech impediments, and tissue irritations, all of which should be addressed. If this disease is not addressed, it can lead to more complex problems in the future. Your dentist can look for cracks, chips, and broken or loose teeth in your dentures and provide treatments.

Overview of Denture Exams

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