Surgery for sleep apnea

People with sleep apnea may wake up hundreds of times during the night

In obstructive sleep apnea, your airway collapses (or partially collapses) as you sleep, obstructing your airway and keeping you from able to breathe normally. There is more to why you snore loudly than what your partner might realize.

If your airways are prevented from opening, your brain loses oxygen. Several times a night, this may cause you to wake up and take a breath. When you are awakened by your brain, your blood pressure is raised. In addition to increasing your risk of heart attack, stroke, and depression, sleep apnea also raises your blood pressure.

Symptoms of obstructive sleep apnoea

These are common symptoms of sleep apnea:

– Sleepiness during the day
– Intense snoring
– Sleep disturbances accompanied by difficulty breathing at night
– A sore throat/dry mouth after waking up
– Headache in the morning
– Concentration problems
– Nighttime sweats

Treatments for sleep apnea

A GP is likely to recommend that you lose weight (if you’re overweight) and undergo a sleep test to determine how severe the problem is.

In addition to a CPAP machine (known as Central Pressure Air Pressure System, or CPAP), a dental device to open your airway may be prescribed to you.

Surgical procedures for sleep apnea
A dental device may be recommended if CPAP, weight loss, or a dental device do not fix your sleep disorder. Finally, your doctor may suggest surgery to open up the back of your mouth.

For sleep apnea, there are several different surgical procedures, and the best one for you will be determined by Dr. John Doe during the evaluation.

Oral and maxillofacial surgeon, Dr. John Doe, is highly skilled and experienced. If you have any questions about sleep apnea and concerns you have, do not hesitate to ask him. He will take the time to explain things clearly and address your concerns sensitively.